Starlyf Fast Heater manual

Starlyf Fast Heater

View the manual for the Starlyf Fast Heater here, for free. This user manual comes under the category heaters and has been rated by 6 people with an average of a 7. This manual is available in the following languages: English. Do you have a question about the Starlyf Fast Heater? Ask your question here

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Do you have a question about the Starlyf and is the answer not in the manual?

Question and answer

Number of questions: 2 Renata Frehner13 March 2020

I can no longer operate my Fast Heater. The display shows the image according to the photo. When I try to change something with the buttons, for example, adjust the temperature, nothing happens. The device has not been in use for about 4 months. Is there a solution? Thank you very much.

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Same question Type your response here Add my comment Rafa30 March 2021

I have it plugged into a smart plug, how can I make it start giving the maximum heat until I turn it off via the internet?

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Starlyf Fast Heater #1

Starlyf Fast Heater #2

Starlyf Fast Heater #3

Starlyf Fast Heater #5

Starlyf Fast Heater #6

Starlyf Fast Heater specifications

Below you will find the product specifications and the manual specifications of the Starlyf Fast Heater.

Fan electric space heater Heating power Suitable for AC input voltage 220 - 240 V
ModelFast Heater | VHGVACIND1068
FiletypeUser manual (PDF)
Performance Weight & dimensions Packaging content
Manual Yes
Number of packages

Frequently asked questions

Can't find the answer to your question in the manual? You may find the answer to your question in the FAQs about the Starlyf Fast Heater below.

What is the weight of the Starlyf Fast Heater?

The Starlyf Fast Heater has a weight of 349 g.

What is the ideal room temperature?

Most people find that the ideal room temperature is between 19 and 22 degrees Celsius.

What is the height of the Starlyf Fast Heater?

The Starlyf Fast Heater has a height of 159 mm.

What is the width of the Starlyf Fast Heater?

The Starlyf Fast Heater has a width of 89 mm.

What is the depth of the Starlyf Fast Heater?

The Starlyf Fast Heater has a depth of 85 mm.

Is the manual of the Starlyf Fast Heater available in English?

Yes, the manual of the Starlyf Fast Heater is available in English .

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