Qualitative research & evaluation methods: Integrating theory and practice
The fourth edition of Michael Quinn Patton's Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods Integrating Theory and Practice, published by Sage Publications, analyses and provides clear guidance and advice for using a range of different qualitative methods for evaluation.
- Part 1. Framing Qualitative Inquiry: Theory Informs Practice, Practice Informs Theory
- Chapter 1. The Nature, Niche, and Value of Qualitative Inquiry
- Module 1. How qualitative inquiry contributes to our understanding of the world
- Module 2. What makes qualitative data qualitative
- Module 3. Making methods decisions
- Module 4. The fruit of qualitative methods: Chapter summary and conclusion
- Module 5. Strategic design principles for qualitative inquiry
- Module 6. Strategic principles guiding data collection and fieldwork
- Module 7. Strategic principles for qualitative analysis and reporting findings
- Module 8: Integrating the 12 strategic qualitative principles in practice
- Module 9. Understanding the Paradigms Debate: Quants versus Quals
- Module 10. Introduction to Qualitative Inquiry Frameworks
- Module 11. Ethnography and Autoethnography
- Module 12. Positivism, Postpositivism, Empiricism and Foundationalist Epistemologies
- Module 13. Grounded Theory and Realism
- Module 14 Phenomenology and Heuristic Inquiry
- Module 15 Social Constructionism, Constructivism, Postmodernism, and Narrative Inquiry
- Module 16. Ethnomethodology, Semiotics, and Symbolic Interaction, Hermeneutics and Ecological Psychology
- Module 17 Systems Theory and Complexity Theory
- Module 18. Pragmatism, Generic Qualitative Inquiry, and Utilization-Focused Evaluation
- Module 19 Patterns and themes across inquiry frameworks: Chapter summary and conclusions
- Module 20. Practical purposes, concrete questions, and actionable answers: Illuminating and enhancing quality
- Module 21. Program evaluation applications: Focus on outcomes
- Module 22 Specialized qualitative evaluation applications
- Module 23 Evaluating program models and theories of change, and evaluation models especially aligned with qualitative methods
- Module 24 Interactive and participatory qualitative applications
- Module 25 Democratic evaluation, indigenous research and evaluation, capacity building, and cultural competence
- Module 26 Special methodological applications
- Module 27 A vision of the utility of qualitative methods: Chapter summary and conclusion
- Chapter 5. Designing Qualitative Studies
- Module 28 Design thinking: Questions derive from purpose, design answers questions
- Module 29 Date Collection Decisions
- Module 30 Purposeful sampling and case selection: Overview of strategies and options
- Module 31 Single-significant-case sampling as a design strategy
- Module 32 Comparison-focused sampling options
- Module 33 Group characteristics sampling strategies and options
- Module 34 Concept and theoretical sampling strategies and options
- Module 35. Instrumental-use multiple-case sampling
- Module 36 Sequential and emergence-driven sampling strategies and options
- Module 37 Analytically focused sampling
- Module 38 Mixed, stratified, and nested purposeful sampling strategies
- Module 39 Information-rich cases
- Module 40 Sample size for qualitative designs
- Module 41 Mixed methods designs
- Module 42 Qualitative design chapter summary and conclusion: Methods choices and decisions
- Module 43 The Power of direct observation
- Module 44. Variations in observational methods
- Module 45. Variations in duration of observations and site visits: From rapid reconnaissance to longitudinal studies over years
- Module 46. Variations in observational focus and summary of dimensions along which fieldwork varies
- Module 47. What to observe: Sensitizing concepts
- Module 48. Integrating what to observe with how to observe
- Module 49. Unobtrusive observations and indicators, and documents and archival fieldwork
- Module 50. Observing oneself: Reflexivity and Creativity, and Review of Fieldwork Dimensions
- Module 51. Doing Fieldwork: The Data Gathering Process
- Module 52. Stages of fieldwork: Entry into the field
- Module 53. Routinization of fieldwork: The dynamics of the second stage
- Module 54. Bringing fieldwork to a close
- Module 55. The observer and what is observed: Unity, separation, and reactivity
- Module 56. Chapter summary and conclusion: Guidelines for fieldwork
- Module 57 The Interview Society: Diversity of applications
- Module 58 Distinguishing interview approaches and types of interviews
- Module 59 Question options and skilled question formulation
- Module 60 Rapport, neutrality, and the interview relationship
- Module 61 Interviewing groups and cross-cultural interviewing
- Module 62. Creative modes of qualitative inquiry
- Module 63. Ethical issues and challenges in qualitative interviewing
- Module 64. Personal reflections on interviewing, and chapter summary and conclusion
- Chapter 8. Qualitative Analysis and Interpretation
- Module 65. Setting the Context for Qualitative Analysis: Challenge, Purpose, and Focus
- Module 66. Thick description and case studies: The bedrock of qualitative analysis
- Module 67. Qualitative Analysis Approaches: Identifying Patterns and Themes
- Module 68. The intellectual and operational work of analysis
- Module 69. Logical and matrix analyses, and synthesizing qualitative studies
- Module 70. Interpreting findings, determining substantive significance, phenomenological essence, and hermeneutic interpretation
- Module 71. Causal explanation thorough qualitative analysis
- Module 72. New analysis directions: Contribution analysis, participatory analysis, and qualitative counterfactuals
- Module 73. Writing up and reporting findings, including using visuals
- Module 74. Special analysis and reporting issues: Mixed methods, focused communications, and principles-focused report exemplar.
- Module 75 Chapter summary and conclusion, plus case study exhibits