Notice and opportunity to cure clause samples

(c)Notice and Opportunity to Cure. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it shall be a condition precedent to the Company’s right to terminate Executive’s employment for Cause and Executive’s right to terminate for Good Reason that (i) the party seeking termination shall first have given the other party written notice stating with specificity the reason for the termination (“breach”) and (ii) if such breach is susceptible of cure or remedy, a period of fifteen (15) days from and after the giving of such notice shall have elapsed without the breaching party having effectively cured or remedied such breach during such 15-day period, unless such breach cannot be cured or remedied within fifteen (15) days, in which case the period for remedy or cure shall be extended for a reasonable time (not to exceed an additional thirty (30) days) provided the breaching party has made and continues to make a diligent effort to effect such remedy or cure.

05/08/2017 (Drone USA Inc.)

After April30, 2024, Dartmouth may terminate the amended license if OnCyte fails to meet the specified minimum net sales obligations for any year, unless OnCyte pays to Dartmouth the royalty OnCyte would otherwise be obligated to pay had OnCyte met such minimum net sales obligation. Dartmouth may also terminate the license if OnCyte fails to meet a milestone within the specified time period, unless OnCyte pays the corresponding milestone payment. Either party may terminate the agreement in the event the other party defaults or breaches any of the provisions of the agreement, subject to 30 days’ prior notice and opportunity to cure. In addition, the agreement automatically terminates in the event OnCyte becomes insolvent, make an assignment for the benefit of creditors or file, or have filed against us, a petition in bankruptcy. Absent early termination, the agreement will continue until the expiration date of the last to expire patent right included under the agreement in the last to expire territory. The Company expects that the last to expire patent right included under this agreement will expire in 2033, absent extensions or adjustments.

08/31/2017 (CELYAD S.A.)

18. Staff Comment: Please revise the first bullet to conform to earlier disclosure (bolded disclosure on p. 47) that the termination of the rider will only occur following a failure to correct an improper allocation after notice and opportunity to cure. This comment also applies to similar disclosure with respect to other riders.


Notice and Opportunity to Cure. In the event a Participant believes that a “Good Reason” event has been triggered, Participant must give the Company written notice within 30 days of the first occurrence of such triggering event and a proposed termination date which shall be not sooner than 60 days nor later than 90 days after the date of such notice.Such notice shall specify Participant’s basis for determining that “Good Reason” has been triggered.The Company (or Participant’s employer, if applicable) shall have the right to cure a purported “Good Reason” within 30 days of receipt of said notice and, if so cured, a termination of Participant’s Employment shall not be considered to be for “Good Reason” as a result of such event.If the event triggering “Good Reason” is not cured by the Company (or Participant’s employer, if applicable) within 30 days of its receipt of such notice, Participant must terminate his/her Employment on the proposed termination date.


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