Good Afternoon Pierce County Landlords!

We wanted to let you know the Pierce County Rental Assistance program will stop accepting applications on August 1st, 2022. Tenants will have until then to submit or make changes to their rental assistance application. Applications will be processed normally until all funds have been distributed. To qualify, you must be overdue on rent and prove you have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

IF YOU HAVE ALREADY APPLIED: You will be contacted by a provider to process your application. We are currently processing applications from November 2021. Once those applications are processed, we will begin reviewing applications from March 2022.

IF YOU HAVE REGISTERED BUT DID NOT SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION: You have until August 1st to complete your application. Make sure you include all required documentation and include landlord information.

IF YOU HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED RENTAL ASSISTANCE: You are on the wait-list. There is no guarantee of additional funds. You may be contacted if funds are available after new applications are processed.

Here is a link to some frequently asked questions you may have regarding the portal closure.

Still have questions? You can email – [email protected]

Pierce County Rental Assistance


Pierce County Rental Assistance Program (Please note, this is NOT a PCHA program, this is just a link to Pierce County WA website for your convenience)