A Government Contractor's Guide to Termination Settlement Proposals During the COVID-19 Pandemic

In the second segment of a four-part webinar series, attorneys from Venable and consultants from BDO addressed the ways in which government contractors can develop and submit termination settlement proposals. Terminations for convenience arising from the COVID-19 pandemic should not adversely impact a contractor's rating. An Office of Management and Budget (OMB) memo dated March 20, 2020 acknowledges that COVID-19 will impact the ability of some contractors to perform on existing contracts, requiring that the government take its business elsewhere. A memo from the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense on March 30, 2020 confirms that contractors will not receive an adverse rating if a termination for convenience can be linked to coronavirus-related issues.

A termination settlement proposal (TSP) is a nonroutine request for payment following notice from the federal government that a contract has been terminated for convenience. The purpose of a TSP is to recover costs already spent by a contractor in relation to a terminated contract. Claimed costs cannot exceed the contract price, and payments already received will count against that total cost. Generally, the government has the right to unilaterally terminate a contract for convenience for any reason.

The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) sets forth requirements for termination notification. The federal government has significant discretion in terminating contracts for convenience, with limited recourse for overturning terminations. Upon receiving a termination notice, a contractor has one year to submit its TSP in response. To maximize outcomes related to a TSP, contractors should develop a plan for due diligence and compile a response team, which may include contract administrators, project managers, accounting and finance representatives, in-house counsel, and property managers.

Who are the key stakeholders in the termination settlement process?

What are the types of T4C settlement proposals for partial or full termination?

What is the timeline in a T4C process?

What will contractors be asked to provide as part of their TSP claim?